I have now had my Clarisonic for over a month and I have to say I haven't seen my skin this clear in forever. I currently have no active breakouts anywhere on my face. It's all just previous cysts, acne spots healing over and being red/dry. I switched to using the Fresh Soy Cleanser on it which I think works really well and I find it doesn't make my skin feel tight after like other types do. Now that my skin is all cleared I'm cutting back on the amount of times a week I use the Clarisonic. I'm trying to do 1-2 times as a deep cleaning method rather than every night. I will probably always do a deep cleansing mask on the night I use my Clarisonic so that I know I'm getting the best results possibly when I do it. My skins overall appearance looks so great, I'm not as red anymore in my cheeks and my acne scarring is improving. The scarring improving is probably attributed to this exfoliation as well as consistent daily use of my Kiehl's dark spot correcting serum (awesome stuff). My makeup sits better now that I'm using this and I just feel like my skin doesn't feel as congested. I highly recommend everyone who has issues with blackheads and breakouts go spend the money on this... Better investment to spend on the tool than to spend even more money trying out various different acne regimens that don't end up even working.
Have you tried the Clarisonic? What are the best products you have ever used with it?
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