Lush is one of those stores that feels scary to go into but
once you do you’ll always stop in when you walk past it. I was one of those
people that could smell it from a mile away and never had the desire to go in
and well, obviously that changed. I don’t even know why I decided to go in one
day, I just did. I’ve tested out a lot between samples and full sized products
so I wanted to give a top 5 list for people who may be unsure about what to
purchase there or just want to find out about specific products.
My number 1 product would have to be the Mask of Magnaminty ($12.95-24.95
CAD) hands down. It’s a green mask with chunks of exfoliating adzuki beans in
it. Also a bonus of this product is that it can also be used to combat body
acne on the chest and back! It smells minty and you can feel it extracting the
dirt from your pores the second you put it on.
It’s one of those masks that I’ll stop using for a while and test out
others but in the end I will always come back to this one. I found it worked way better for my acne
prone/sensitive skin than any of the fresh face masks I've used from Lush plus it’s good
for around 3 months instead of 2 weeks so it doesn’t feel like a chore to use.
I wear it for about 10-15 minutes but if I feel that my pores are super clogged
and I feel gross I’ll wear it longer. It’s a bit messy when you wash it off
because of the adzuki beans in it. Although the beans are super good for
exfoliating when washing you have to be careful with your drains because they
are super chunky and will get clogged in your sink. I have a catcher in mine so
I just empty that out every time I rinse off the mask. This mask can work for
people with normal to combo skin as well, especially if you’re having a not
great skin day. This is my top rated lush product!

Coming in 2nd place would have to be the Sexy
Peel soap ($6.40 CAD per 100g). Yes, I know soap doesn’t sound like the
fanciest thing from Lush but seriously if you suffer from body acne this will
be your best friend. As you know my skin is so sensitive that some brands of
sunscreen and body wash will make me break out in spots all over my chest and
back. I had tried using everything from
natural washes to plain Dove soap. I was recommended this bar of soap because
it’s basically just loaded with citrus and it smells like a dream (there are
even citrus peels within it to gently exfoliate). The only problem with this is
that the soap bars will break down in the shower from the steam so I typically
don’t have this in my shower all the time but whenever I get bad reactions I
always go in and buy this product. Even if you don’t have acne on your body,
the smell is amazing and Lush has awesome soaps!

Following with the theme of products for skin trouble, my 3rd
choice is the tea tree water toner ($9.95 – 21.95 CAD). It feels amazingly
refreshing and I can spray it on my chest and back daily as well to keep the
breakouts away. It’s a good toner for anyone who does break out because of the
tea tree oil that’s inside of it. It comes in a spray bottle so it’s super easy
and convenient especially when I want to spray it directly on my body post
shower or whatever.

Don’t think that I don’t love my Lush bath products …
because I definitely do. Now one of my favourite all time bath products from
Lush has got to be Ro’s Argan body conditioner ($32.95 CAD). It’s my favourite
scent and it’s amazing. You put it on after washing your body, basically like a
hair conditioner. Rub it on and just leave it for a few minutes and then rinse
it off. You will smell amazing and won’t need to put body lotion on after. The only con is that it is very expensive and
you can only get it in the big size. It’s more of a luxury product for me but I
LOVE it.

The last product I’m going to talk about is the Rose Jam
Bubbleroon ($6.40 CAD). These bath products look like macarons and they are
filled with Turkish roses according to the website. They smell similar to Ro’s
Argan which is probably why I am OBSESSED with it. It looks expensive for one
but it also lasts me several baths. I break it up and put it in one of those
pantyhose stockings and tie that over the bath tap. I find this gives me way
more bubbles than trying to break it up directly under the water flow. It’s a
heavenly scent, completely adorable (who doesn’t love macarons) and makes your
skin feel so soft.

I hope this review gave you some insight into a few of
Lush’s hundreds of products and makes it a little easier for you when you go in
to shop for a few. The sales people are
always amazingly nice and always ask for samples because they are extremely
generous with them. Samples are my favourite thing about Lush! Post a comment
down below if you've tried any of these products and what you think or let me
know what you’re favourite products are from Lush.